First of all, thank you all for your participation in the event. The number of participants has far exceeded our expectations, which is why the program has been slightly changed so that you can all present your work as desired. You should have all received a notification of acceptance for your abstracts, or you will receive an email instructing you to edit it.
The MT180 and workshops slots have been replaced with presentation slots. We will send you the complete program shortly.
In addition, presentations should be 12 minutes long (including questions), so we ask you to aim for presentations of 8 to 9 minutes to leave enough time for questions. Regardless, we will cut off after 12 minutes to allow everyone to present with the same amount of speaking time.
For the presentations, a new type of submission has been created so that you can upload your slides until Saturday, October 14th, at 11:59 PM. This is solely to ensure smoother transitions between presentations. We encourage you to use the PDF format for your presentations so that they are viewable on any PC.
For posters, you will need to bring them printed in A0 format, portrait.
The preferred language is French.
The JJCR Organizing Committee
2023 young researchers in robotic day
The 2023 edition of the young researchers in robotic day will take place on monday, october 16th at Moliets (Landes, France).
Since 1993, this day is the occasion for the PhD students, postdocs and young researchers from the different fields of robotics to exchange on their last work and discoveries and to meet alltogether.
We will thus be pleased to receive you to present your work, to assist to others presentations or to participate tou our debate!
Ph.D. students from all years, postdoctoral researchers, as well as engineers, we invite all of you to contribute to this event either through your presence or by presenting your work to everyone.
To do so, we kindly request you to submit a maximum 2-page abstract containing the title of your thesis (or presentation for those not involved in a thesis), your laboratory, a few keywords, followed by a summary of the subject and your progress, along with any relevant elements you deem appropriate (images, references, etc.): The template will be available soon.
During the event, depending on your progress and/or your preferred format, we offer three options to present your work:
10/15-minute presentations (subject to the number of participants), followed by 5 minutes of questions. We encourage 3rd-year students to prioritize this format.
"My Thesis in 180 seconds" (Ma Thèse en 180s). We encourage 1st-year students to prioritize this format. This presentation will be strictly timed to adhere to the rules of MT180.
Posters. We invite anyone wishing to present their work to submit a poster, especially 2nd-year students. It may also be beneficial for 3rd-year students to create a poster in parallel with their presentation since there will be a dedicated poster session during the JNRR (on October 18th).
To reach a wider audience, it is desirable for posters and slides to be in English, even if the presentation is subsequently given in French.
We also plan to offer small rewards for the best presentations/posters in each category. The possibility and details of this approach are yet to be determined.
More details will follow...
Key dates
Preferred rate: September 12
Deadline for submission of contributions (2-page summary): Septembre 27
Deadline for submission of presentations: October 15